Thursday, September 6, 2012

Shinya Shokudo by Abe Yaro: Late Night Dining to Soothe the Mind

(This picture is a screen capture of the cover page of the official site's free read of Vol. 1. You may want to visit the official site for more information:

There is an excellent introduction and review on both the original work of manga and its TV adaptation at e*ting the worldShinya Shokudo - Food Manga Du Jour. (I myself became a fascinated follower the moment I spotted the site. There are a great number of words and pics you don't want to miss.)

This is a story about an eating place where, in a sense, eating itself doesn't really matter. It is always a food, to a particular costumer of that place, reminiscent of his/her life experience. Yes. It's like Marcel Proust and his episode of the madeleine, if you like.

Most of the costumers there have their own must-orders. The experience from the past becomes a psychological fixation reflected by the perpetual craving for the food: Ru's octopus-shaped wieners, Kosusu's sweet omelette, Rinrin's fried noodles...Most of the time, it's le manque (the Lacanian lack) embodied as a food and feeds back on the lack itself.

Speaking of comfort food, I see no better interpretation nor more poetic expression for it than Shiya Shokudo, both its original manga and its TV adaptation.